Microarray analýza

MICROARRAY ANALÝZA ULS technologie – jednotné značení pro aplikace Microarray a FISH

Patentovaná technologie ULS (Universal Linkage System) je základem pro širokou škálu aplikací firmy Kreatech Diagnostics (Leica Biosystems).

Princip technologie ULS

Cílové body značené pomocí ULS

Nukleové kyseliny Proteiny
Guanin Methionin, Cystein, Histidin
ULS značí DNA a RNA pomocí zformování koordinující vazby na pozici N7 guaninu ULS značí proteiny pomocí zformování koordinující vazby na atomech sulfuru metioninu, cysteinu a atomu nitrogenu histidinu

Výhody technologie ULS:

  • Úspora času – kompletní procedura značení trvá pouze 30 minut (DNA) nebo 15 minut (RNA)
  • Jednoduché použití
  • Robustní a reprodukovatelná – bez působení enzymů
  • Kvalitní značící technologie pro vzorky FFPE
  • Jedna technologie pro všechny aplikace
  • Kompatibilní se všemi microarray platformami

ULS Microarray Labelling
katalogové číslo popis výrobku info bezp. list
DSK-001 ULS cDNA Synthesis and Labeling Kit (with Cy3 and Cy5)
DSK-002 ULS cDNA Synthesis and Labeling Kit (with Cy5)
DSK-003 ULS cDNA Synthesis and Labeling Kit (with Cy3)
DSK-004 ULS cDNA Synthesis and Labeling Kit (with Biotin)
EA-005 ULS arrayCGH labeling kit (with Cy3 and Cy5)
EA-005A ULS arrayCGH labeling kit (with Cy3)
EA-005B ULS arrayCGH labeling kit (with Cy5)
EA-006 ULS aRNA Labeling Kit (with Cy3 and Cy5)
EA-010 ULS aRNA Labeling Kit (with Biotin for Affymetrix Genechips)
EA-018 ULS aRNA Labeling Kit (with Biotin)
EA-020 Array-Grade KREAcot DNA 500 ug
EA-021 ULS Fluorescent Labeling Kit for Agilent arrays (with Cy3 and Cy5)
EA-022 ULS Fluorescent Labeling Kit for Agilent arrays (with Cy5)
EA-023 ULS Fluorescent Labeling Kit for Agilent arrays (with Cy3)
EA-025 ULS Labeling Kit for CombiMatrix arrays (with Cy5)
EA-027 ULS Labeling Kit for CombiMatrix arrays (with Biotin)
EA-035 Array - Grade KREAcot DNA 10 mg
EA-036 ULS micro RNA labeling Kit (with Cy3 and Cy5)
EA-037 ULS micro RNA labeling Kit (with Cy3)
EA-038 ULS micro RNA labeling Kit (with Cy5)
GEA-001 RNA ampULSe: Amplification and Labeling Kit (with Cy3 and Cy5)
GEA-004 RNA ampULSe: Amplification and Labeling Kit (with Biotin for Affymetrix Genechips)
GEA-006 RNA ampULSe: Amplification and Labeling Kit (with Biotin)
GEA-014 RNA ampULSe: Amplification and Labeling Kit (with Cy3 and Cy5 for Agilent arrays)
GEA-016 RNA ampULSe: Amplification and Labeling Kit (with Cy5 for Agilent arrays)
GEA-018 RNA ampULSe: Amplification and Labeling Kit (with Cy3 for Agilent arrays)
GEA-022 RNA ampULSe: Amplification and Labeling Kit (with Cy5 for CombiMatrix arrays)
GEA-026 RNA ampULSe: Amplification and Labeling Kit (with Biotin for CombiMatrix arrays)
GLK-001 PlatinumBright: Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit (495 Green)
GLK-004 PlatinumBright: Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit (550 Red/Orange)
GLK-005 PlatinumBright: Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit (570 Red/Orange)
GLK-006 PlatinumBright: Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit (415 Blue)
KP-020 KREApure columns - 20 ks
KP-050 KREApure columns - 50 ks
PLK-001 Two-color ULS Serum and Plasma protein Labeling and Detection Kit
PLK-002 Two-color ULS Cell Lysate Protein Labeling and Detection Kit
PLK-009 PlatinumLink Protein Labeling Kit (FLU)
PLK-010 PlatinumLink Protein Labeling Kit (RHO)

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